Iowa Writers' Workshop graduate student and poetry co-editor Nicole Migneault answers a few questions about editing and poetry.
In your view, what’s the most important thing an editor should do, or read for when reviewing submissions?
Poems with a sense of urgency, emotional honesty, and ideally a singular approach to writing intrigue me. I think it’s important as an editor to uplift work that is immersive and holds me in the space of the poem with its unique sensibilities, specificity and attention to the line.
How does your approach to reading change when you’re reading for pleasure, study, or editorial evaluation?
My reading approach changes slightly depending on my reason, yet not much. When it comes to editorial work, it’s not far from how I read for pleasure because I prioritize the entrances and exits of poems and their accessibility on the first and second read through. Habitually, I check for the pulse of each poem I read and consider the work’s progression and how it moves on the page.
Who are some of your favorite writers, past or contemporary, or whose work are you most immersed in right now?
Right now some of my favorite poets include Mary Szybist, Shane McCrae, Robyn Schiff and Kim Hyesoon.