The Blog

Winners of the 2024 Iowa Review Awards

TIR Staff

The results are in: we are very excited to announce the winners of the 2024 Iowa Review Awards! The work of the winners will be published in our Winter 2024/2025 issue. Thank you to everyone who participated in the contest, and a huge thank you to our contest judges:  Sequoia Nagamatsu (fiction), Sarah Viren (nonfiction), and Terrance Hayes (poetry). Meet our winners:


Winner: Valentina Rivera-Lies, “Ratones”

One Day for Iowa

TIR Staff

For the first time, The Iowa Review is participating in the University of Iowa's 24-hour giving campaign, One Day for Iowa, which takes place on Wednesday, March 27, 2024. We're asking for funding to continue our veterans' writing contest. Until 11:59 p.m. this Wednesday, donations can be made here

For social media posts, we asked some recent winners for their thoughts on what the contest has meant to them, and the testimonials were so moving that we wanted to collect and preserve them in one place. Thank you for your support, Ashley Hand, Laura Joyce-Hubbard, James Janko, Libby Kurz, Adam Straus, Brian Kerg, and Erik Cederblom! (More testimonials are on the way, and we'll add them here as they come in.)

self-portrait as a young woman

Sydney Mayes

We are delighted to present Sydney Mayes's poem "self-portrait as a young woman," winner of the David Hamilton Undergraduate Creative Writing Prize. This prize is sponsored by anonymous donors who wish to honor the mentorship and support they and other students at the University of Iowa received from Emeritus Professor of English David Hamilton. In addition to publication online, Mayes will will be awarded a $500 scholarship. 

                                —after Auguste Rodin’s Young Woman

you know when i was younger i was a pageant winner

in the winter i will move to tennessee with my breasts

and my books stack up all around me how many sonnets

can one have a glass a quiet hour a pink sash and trophy

case by case basis they’ll evaluate applications for financial

Winners of the 2023 Iowa Review Awards

TIR Staff

The results are in: we are very excited to announce the winners of the 2023 Iowa Review Awards! The work of the winners will be published in our Winter 2023/2024 issue. Thank you to everyone who participated in the contest, and a huge thank you to our contest judges: Lauren Haldeman (poetry), Brandon Taylor (fiction), and Sarah Minor (nonfiction). Meet our winners:


Interview with Daisy Hernández

Victor Resendiz

Daisy Hernández is the author of The Kissing Bug: A True Story of a Family, an Insect, and a Nation’s Neglect of a Deadly Disease, which won the 2022 PEN /Jean Stein Book Award and was selected as an inaugural title for the National Book Foundation’s Science + Literature Program. She is also the author of the award-winning memoir A Cup of Water Under My Bed and coeditor of Colonize This! Young Women of Color on Today's Feminism. Daisy is an Associate Professor in the English Department at Northwestern University. TIR intern Victor Resendiz talked with Hernández via email about " Soursop," her story in issue 51/2 of The Iowa Review, and The Kissing Bug.


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