The Blog

TIR Editors on Racial Justice

Over the past months of seemingly daily reports of racialized violence—and especially now, as we’ve celebrated the accountability the jury decision in Derek Chauvin’s case represents while also acknowledging how far it is from true justice—the staff of The Iowa Review have felt conflicting impulses toward urgent response and toward communicating the earnest and personal. 

Deer Crossing Ahead

TIR Staff

We are delighted to present Sydney Schnepel's story "Deer Crossing Ahead," winner of the David Hamilton Undergraduate Creative Writing Prize. This prize is sponsored by anonymous donors who wish to honor the mentorship and support they and other students at the University of Iowa received from Emeritus Professor of English David Hamilton. In addition to publication online, Schnepel will will be awarded a $500 scholarship. This year's judge was David Hamilton himself.

When it was over, one of its heels was stuck in the windshield. The other sparkled pink in the middle of the highway. I found the deer lying on the side of the road, looking dead. I put it in the backseat with its heels and drove it home. I cleaned it up in the bathtub and left it on my bed until I could bury it.

Hot Off the Presses!

TIR Staff

With grateful thanks for the patience of our readers and writers, we wanted to provide a cover reveal of our delayed Fall 2020 issue, freshly arrived from the printer yesterday. The pandemic shut down our physical office starting in March 2020 and contributed to delays in filling staff vacancies. But our remaining team kept going, even headquartered in their cars, even as children interrupted at home to ask for help with long division, or even as their own lives as students were being upturned. 


Nate Kouri

Dennis Cooper’s hallucinatory blankness seems immune to context. When you read the best of his work, it clears your mind of everything else as completely as a dose of anesthesia or a brick to the head. Wrong: A Critical Biography of Dennis Cooper doesn't give you a good sense of what his books are like. The prose is dry and full of academic t-crossing, and it rarely deals with the emotional intensity that draws readers to the author. But the valuable idea behind Wrong is that, despite its visceral impact, the context of a number of subcultures is essential to understanding Cooper’s work.


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