The Blog

Read-only versus writable publishing

Russell Valentino

These are relatively new terms for me, I'll admit, which means I'm only slowly getting a sense of what they suggest conceptually.

Here is a fairly strong statement of the writable future of publishing, by Terry Jones:

And a little excerpt, in case you're glued to this screen, as is only fitting:

"Publication of information obviously includes traditional media, such as books, newspapers, magazines, music, and video. But we can generalize considerably to include blogs, tagging (e.g., Delicious, Flickr), commenting systems, Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace.

Literary Death Match Part Deux, March 2

Russell Valentino

The literary death match returned to town last night, and I was able to get out for a change.Here's the blurb from the lit death match website.

"The doozy of a lineup features Guggenheim Fellows Robin Hemley (author of DO-OVER!; Defunct Magazine editor) and Chris Offutt (Kentucky Straight; The Good Brother), poet extraordinaire Micah Bateman and Essays Editor of 

Patrick Madden's QUOTIDIANA

Amanda Dambrink

“A quick ear and eye, an ability to discern the infinite suggestiveness of common things, a brooding meditative spirit, are all that the essayist requires.”
—Alexander Smith, “On the Writing of Essays”

So begins the first of eleven personal essays in Patrick Madden’s premiere collection, Quotidiana, and the truth of this statement comes to bear on the entire book. Here the author brings together meandering meditations on laughing, death, garlic, hope, gravity, family, asymptosy, singing, hepatitis, and finity. Nothing extraordinary as far as subject matter goes, perhaps, but apply the “quick ear and eye,” the discernment and meditation of a writer like Patrick Madden, and these essays form a collection that mines personal experience and leaves readers the richer for it.

Ockert wins Dzanc short story collection award

TIR staff

We're very happy to announce that Jason Ockert has been named the 2010 Dzanc Short Story Collection Contest winner for his collection Neighbors of Nothing, which is slated to appear in October 2013. TIR will be publishing "Max," one of the stories from the collection, in its April issue. You can read more about the award, the collection, and Jason, too, by clicking here.


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