The Blog

The Toymaker's War

Russell Scott Valentino

Working Group Theatre's production of The Toymaker's War, playing through this afternoon at Iowa City's Riverside Theatre, is about writing and responsibility, the ineffable mix of trauma, journalism, and art that troubled much of the twentieth century and, as evidenced by the recent polemic over John d'Agata's work, still troubles us today.

Bonnie Jo Campbell's ONCE UPON A RIVER

Josh Cook

Lately, when I pick up a new title, the announced motif on the jacket sleeve makes me chafe. It’s the one that precedes all else and screams “Read Me!” like a child pining for attention. “A sprawling feminist debut...” it’ll say, or “Ordinary men and women confronting loneliness...” When I encounter this, I thrust down the book, guffawing loud enough for the store clerk to hear me.

Jeongrye Choi's INSTANCES

Ruth Williams

Though Jeongrye Choi is the author of four books of poetry in her native South Korea, her work has been largely unavailable to American audiences; however, with Instances, a translation of Choi’s selected poems by Brenda Hillman, Wayne De Fremery, and Jeongrye Choi herself, English readers now have the opportunity to encounter one of South Korea’s most intriguing women poets.

Creative writing profs! Check out CLMP's lit mag adoption program

TIR staff

The Council of Literary Magazines and Presses (CLMP) has launched the Lit Mag Adoption Program for Creative Writing Students, which allows undergraduate and graduate creative writing professors to include literary magazines in their courses.

Students receive discounted, 1-year subscriptions for selected literary magazines—such as (*cough cough*) the Iowa Review—and professors receive a free "desk-copy" subscription. Each participating class will receive at least two issues of the magazine during the semester.

In addition, classes will have direct interaction with the magazine publisher/editor through a virtual (or in-person where local) "one-on-one" chat session.

The program aims to promote a generation of new writers who are also active readers and productive members of the larger literary community.


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