The Blog

Parts, Pieces

Calli Tilson

We are delighted to present Calli Tilson's essay "Parts, Pieces," winner of the 2019 David Hamilton Undergraduate Creative Writing Prize. This prize is sponsored by anonymous donors who wish to honor the mentorship they and other students at the University of Iowa received from Emeritus Professor of English David Hamilton. In addition to publication online, Tilson will be awarded a $500 scholarship. Congratulations to Calli and to Stephanie Tsank, the writing instructor who nominated her essay!

Clinton Crockett Peters Wins 2019 David Hamilton Prize for Iowa Review Alumni


We are pleased to announce the winner of the 2019 David Hamilton Prize for Iowa Review Alumni: Clinton Crockett Peters. Peters, who read nonfiction submissions for TIR in the academic year 2010-11, will receive a $1,000 prize, and his essay, "A Portrait of the Artist at His Home in Texas," will be published in the Spring 2020 issue of The Iowa Review.Thank you to all our wonderful former staff and interns who participated in the contest!

On Steve

Lynne Nugent

There are those people, you know the ones, people you’ve known maybe for years, that you might not see regularly now, or you run into serendipitously, at the grocery store, in the hallway at work. And they have no idea—would be shocked in fact—but inadvertently, just by being themselves, they number among the architects and engineers of your world. Because there is something about their sensibility you resonate with. Not just their intelligence, their wit, their achievements, or any of the things you admire about the people you admire. You’re simpatico, is one way I’ve heard it described; you’re in sync, others would say.

Interview with David Mura

Jing Jian

David Mura is a memoirist, novelist, poet, and literary critic. He has written the novel Famous Suicides of the Japanese Empire and two memoirs: Turning Japanese: Memoirs of a Sansei, a New York Times Notable Book of the Year, and Where the Body Meets Memory: An Odyssey of Race, Sexuality, and Identity. I talked with David Mura over email about his newest book, A Stranger’s Journey: Race, Identity and Narrative Craft in Writing (University of Georgia Press, 2018).


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